Voorzitter Bestuur KiZoKa
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Join us at Summer Camp!
Inmiddels organiseert KiZoKa alweer voor de 67e keer vijf geweldige kinderkampweken voor kinderen van groep 3 t/m 8 tijdens de zomervakantie. Op kampterrein D'n Boschkant in Bakel beleven kinderen een fantastische zomerkampweek vol avontuur, gezelligheid en leuke activiteiten in het bos én op het kampterrein.
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Why KiZoKa?
- More than 65 years of experience in organizing the best children's camp in Eindhoven, Veldhoven and surrounding municipalities.
- KiZoKa contributes to the personal and social development of children.
- Children experience unforgettable adventures and quickly make many new friends.
- Small age groups, so children always go on holiday with peers.
- A lot of attention for group formation and atmosphere.
- KiZoKa runs 100% on enthusiastic volunteers, all in possession of a VOG from the government.
- Children are at KiZoKa in safe hands.
Friends of KiZoKa
KiZoKa wants to make a holiday possible for every child. Lack of financial resources should not play a role in this. To keep the camp costs low, KiZoKa can rely annually on our volunteers, loyal sponsors (see their logos at the bottom of this page!) and on the friends of KiZoKa. The friends of KiZoKa are all people who support our camps and support our mission financially so that we can keep the camp prices per child at least for maximum fun for every child!
Stay tuned!
Subscribe to our newsletter if you want to be kept informed of KiZoKa news. You will receive a maximum of 6 newsletters per year.